Contact Darcy Assemany at (8:00 am Hospitality)
Contact: Patty Shoultz at (10:30 am Hospitality)
Knights of Columbus
A vibrant organization of Catholic men dedicated to upholding the teachings of the Church and founded on the principles of unity, charity, fraternity and patriotism. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting the Church. Meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in St. Andrew Hall.
Contact Grand Knight Mike Morrett at or
Men’s Club
The Men’s Club ministry is a vital parish group of over 100 men of all ages who steward, assist, and support various activities and projects throughout the year that promote fellowship among the men of the parish while serving the needs of the parish family, especially our youth. There are a wide range of activities providing something for everyone’s unique talents and interests; from running a golf tournament fundraiser for scholarships to hosting dinners and social events, and assisting with campus facility projects. For a complete listing, please see the FLYER. Dinner meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month in the Family Life Center at 6:30PM and fellowship begins at 6:00PM. Please visit the website ( and contact Club President Mark Desrosiers at or 610-745-9239.
Parishioners who gather for fellowship through day trips to interesting locations throughout South Carolina, and other social activities. Trips are usually held on the 4th Tuesday on each month, but check the bulletin for times and dates.
Contact Brenda Peters and Elaine Baer at
Senior Luncheons
These monthly luncheons are geared towards adults 60 and older. Held the third Tuesday of the month at 12:30 in St. Ignatius Hall, which is handicapped accessible.
Contact Suzy Bristow at
Scouting provides an educational program for boys and girls grades Kindergarten through 5th that builds character, responsibility, citizenship and develops personal fitness. Our local Scout Troop 815 and Cub Scout Pack 815, under the auspices of the Catholic Church, also teaches devotion to God and provides service opportunities, and the opportunity to earn religious emblems. Troop 815 meets every Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center. Cub Scouts meet the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the FLC and on 2 Sundays, 2 pm.
Contact Angela Bouknight at
Sister to Sister
A loving, caring group of women encouraging each other to fan the fire of love in their relationship with the Lord, their families and neighbors through faith, prayer, and the teachings of the Catholic faith. Meets the fourth Monday at 6:30PM of each month in St. Andrew Hall.
Contact Audrey Lutts at
Social Club
Meets the third Saturday of each month at 6:15PM for a social gathering of adults 21 years and older for fun and fellowship, and to build stronger bonds of friendship.
Contact Bob and Nancy Williamson at
Spiritual Book Club
Meets the first Monday of each month at 12:30 pm in St. Ignatius Hall to discuss books with spiritual themes and how they relate to Christianity and our Catholic faith.
Contact Linda Spencer at
Welcome Committee
The Welcome Committee is a team of 10 – 12 parishioners who take turns attending the various masses so that they can talk with prospective parishioners. After meeting new parishioners The Welcome Committee takes time to answer questions, network the new family into various clubs and introduces new families to other parishioners. The Welcome Committee sponsors the Quarterly Welcome Receptions where new families can learn about all of the activities available through the parish and sign up to help.
Contact: Jennifer Perritt at
Women in God’s Service (WinGs)
The OLL affiliate of the South Carolina Conference of Catholic Women (SCCCW)
and National Conference of Catholic Women (NCCW) that supports parish
women in understanding their role in living joyful service to God by being (a)
Servant leaders, (b) Models of love, forgiveness and hope, (c) Stewards of God’s
gifts to each of us.
Contact Tina Shepke at
Women's Club
The Women's Club is a parish group of over 85 women of all ages who support several key activities throughout the year (St. Valentine's Dinner Dance, Lenten Supper, Palm Sunday Bake Sale, Birthright of Columbia Collection, All Saints Festival, Annual Christmas Party). Our largest event is the anual yard sale. The Women's Club is a way to build relationships with your church family and feel connected to our growing parish.
Contact: Kathy Gilbert at